


大学生活压力很大. You will need new stress management skills to manage the different kinds of stress you may experience. The following activities will provide you with a foundation for identifying stressors in your life and tools to reduce stress.


Stress is the body’s response to any demand placed upon it. Stress is a natural response and has benefits, but too much stress can have negative impacts on your mental and physical health.


You may notice some of the following symptoms or signs of excessive stress:

  • 心理 feeling anxious, irritable, forgetful, impulsive, overwhelmed, exhausted
  • 物理 headaches, increased heart rate, perspiration, upset stomach, muscle tension
  • 行为 changes in sleeping or eating patterns, arguing, withdrawal from friends, binge gaming/television


Many things in life can cause stress. 例如,压力源可以是:

  • 人际关系 roommate conflicts, family demands, work responsibilities
  • 生活事件 death of a loved one, moving, break-ups, divorce of parents
  • 金融 账单、计划外开支、学费
  • 心理 thoughts, beliefs, worries, changes in mood
  • 生理 illness, injury, sleep disturbances, poor nutrition, environmental factors/condition
  • 生活方式的选择 lack of sleep, lack of exercise, poor time management, use of 酒精, tobacco or other drugs
  • 组织 rules, educational requirements, role expectations


  1. Be aware of the sources of your stress and how you experience it.
    • For example: I grind my teeth while cleaning my roommate’s mess.
  2. Develop a healthy strategy to manage your stress, the stressor, or both.
    • For example: I’m anxious about my living situation - I make an appointment with Student Counseling Services to talk about how to communicate directly and assertively with my roommate.
  3. 评估一下你所做的是否有效. As you reflect on your stress and stressors, you will build effective strategies to use in the future.
    • For example: Talking to my roommate about the mess leads to making a cleaning schedule, which is helping keep my stress down.


You’ve learned about stress and how to recognize what creates stress for you. Now try some of these strategies for calming your stress.

  1. 安排你的时间
    • A cluttered schedule that doesn’t take care of the important things in your life in a timely way will definitely lead to more stress. Try these things to help organize your time.
    • Prioritize your tasks into “essential,” “important,” and “trivial.”
    • Follow that order for completing tasks and take one thing at a time.
    • Schedule some free time for yourself, too.
    • Learn more strategies through the “Manage Your Time” tool.
  2. 实践自我保健
    • Reducing stress can start with a change in personal attitude and habits. Try these things to help calm your stressful feelings.        
    • Recognize where stress strikes you first (e.g. neck tension, headache, low motivation.) The earlier you identify signals of stress, the easier it is to change your behavior and stop its progression.
    • Learn to be satisfied with less than perfect performance. If a problem is beyond your control now, let it go for the time being.
    • 照顾好你的身体. Eat well, sleep enough, exercise regularly, and breathe. Eliminate pseudo-solutions that impair your health such as sleep aids, 能量饮料, 酒精, 香烟, 和特许经销商.
    • 改变你的内心语言. 与其说, “我必须……,” say “I choose to…” Emotionally support yourself the way you would a close friend.
  3. 表达你的压力
    • There are many ways to express your frustration, stress, and anger. Hiding your feelings is often more stressful in the long run than talking about it, especially when you express yourself effectively. Try these techniques for expressing stress.
    • Recognize short-term solutions such as shouting, “venting,” or crying for what they are – short-term. Use them as needed but don’t grow dependent on them.
    • 记日记. Observe when you are stressed, the causes, your responses, and the outcome. Make some observations about which techniques are most helpful.
    • Share your concern with someone – a friend, a family member, or a counselor. 对该做什么的反馈持开放态度.
    • Communicate assertively and directly with others about conflicts that arise. Be factual and use “I messages” to describe how you’re feeling.
  4. 做长期计划
    • Anticipating and preparing for stress and stressful situations is part of getting to know yourself and is necessary for a healthful life.
    • Develop preventative, long-term strategies for dealing with stress (e.g.., nutrition, relaxation, regular exercise) and immediate, responsive techniques (e.g., assertiveness training) to deal with events and episodes that come up in the short term.
    • Don’t wait for the time “when you can relax.“那个时刻可能永远不会到来. 现在就学会放松.




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